Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The House at the End of the Moor


I had been anticipating this book since I first learned about it and it was well worth the wait! The opening of Michelle Griep's book was so suspenseful that I had raced through the first five chapters before I knew it. Here is the opening line. "Death prowled the cellblock like a dark animal seeking prey- especially the weakest." Doesn't it sound like a horrible place for an unjustly condemned man to have to live? 

Duplicity, betrayal, suspicion, the relentless pursuit of a brutish jailer, and a maniacal man made this book hard to put down. I had to set a timer because I could see losing myself in this book and being late to work. If you like The Count of Monte Cristo or Les Miserables, then this is a book you will enjoy. 

Here are some quotes that I feel help describe the main characters, Oliver Ward and Maggie Lee.

"He is proud- pleased even- to cast aside where he's from... to shun the family God placed him in because of its prosperity."

"You've made a difference in the lives of so many. The downtrodden. The forgotten. It's a noble thing you do in Parliament, fighting on behalf of those who have no voice."... "Did you never stop to think that maybe-- just maybe-- you yourself left justice behind to focus on the violation of it instead?"

He [Oliver War] grinned, admiring her wit. Admiring even more the gentle soul that he sometimes glimpsed beneath her guarded exterior."

"She was a fierce beauty, all confidence and strength."

If you would like to learn more about the book or purchase it you can go to The House at the End of the Moor.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Rocky Mountain Revelation

Subterfuge, sabotage, and suspicion are all a part the Pollit Lumber Company's log drive in the Rocky Mountains.  These elements all create a sense of tension and mystery to keep you wondering what will happen along the way. 

Madelyn Lamb, the assistant trail cook and boss's daughter was desperate to get married. The saying, "Marry in haste, repent at leisure", almost became the saying for her life. It was good that she had a caring and wise father to watch over her.  

I didn't know anything about the logging industry and found it to be interesting and well as informative. Lisa Flickinger's descriptions of the events and people make you feel like you are a part of the drive. I enjoyed this western tale and even though it is the second book in the series, it can be a stand alone read. 

Here is the link to the description and to purchase the book: Rocky Mountain Revelation

Thank you to the author/ publisher for giving me a copy of this book. I was not required to write a review. All thoughts and comments are my own. 

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Sowing Season

Gerrit Laninga was a curmudgeon. He didn't start out that way, he let life's circumstances and guilt take the joy and promise of tomorrow and mold him into a bitter man. When he retires from farming he finds he doesn't like who he has become. He is a stranger to his wife and his grown kids. It seems like a miracle is the only thing that is going to help him change. They don't always occur instantly, sometimes they happen over time. 

Gerrit has a chance encounter with a young lady named Rae Walters. Somehow, she gets Gerrit to volunteer at an after school program. Through helping there, he gets to know some of the kids and he begins to let down his guard and begin to care. 

I found the part of the book where he goes shopping to be extremely funny, while other parts of the story were sad as you see that Gerrit realizes he could have been a better husband, a better father. I was compelled to continue reading to see how the book would end. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and think you will enjoy it too. 

Thank you to the author/ publisher for giving me a copy of this book. I was not required to write a review. All thoughts and comments are my own.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Alabama Days

 Alabama Days by Daphne Self shows how even when we are afraid and face hard times, we don't have to do it alone.  This story of crime and corruption, love and redemption was one in which I was rooting for  Scott and Angela to win. Angela was just what Scott needed to help him be free of his past regrets and Scott helps Angela to trust once again. 

The town's corruption that was part of Angela's news story for the Garrettville Gazette was the interesting suspense element in the book. It kept me guessing throughout as to who was involved and how far it affected the town. I wasn't sure who to trust, which created a sense of uncertain expectancy in the plot throughout. 

It's a great read with a satisfying ending. I was glad to see that Scott was able to let go of the past and see a promising future. I hope that there are more stories of the endearing characters who are part of Scott and Angela's life. 

Thank you to the author for a free copy of this book. I was not required to write this review. All thought and opinions in this review are my own. 

About the Author:

Daphne Self, formerly published under the name D.M. Webb, resides in Iowa. A transplant from Mississippi who fell in love with the Midwest state, she spends her days writing, editing, antiquing, and planning adventures with her husband and sons.

Having always dreamed of being a writer she pursues this dream with only one goal in mind: To Glorify His Name. Daphne is also an avid reader who devours books in many genres and an editor for a Christian publishing company. Daphne is a long time member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). She volunteers her time helping upcoming authors polish their manuscripts through a multitude of programs.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh


I enjoyed reading A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh, the first book in the Daughters of Aynsley series. I thought the use of a paleontologist as a protagonist was an original and refreshing idea. The English setting was perfect for not only discovering dinosaurs, but criminals as well. With an intriguing plot and rich characters, I found this book to be exciting and interesting. 

Since Caroline (Caro) is the oldest of the three sisters at Anysley Hall, I am looking forward to reading about the other two daughters. Carolyn Miller has given you just enough information about the other two sisters to make you eager to find out about them as well.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Tabitha's Folly


Tabitha Easton has a problem, actually five problems, her four overprotective brothers and their childhood friend, Lord Henry Courtenay. Each one of them want her to marry, but none of them think any of the eligible bachelors are good enough for her. How will she ever be able to find anyone who they will approve of since they watch her every move?

I found Tabitha's Folly to be a fun romantic read that kept you turning the pages and not want to stop reading. I liked how Jen Johnson told how Tabitha's poor decisions that were guided by her emotions lead her into a dangerous situation.  However, all turned out well and justice was served due to the quick actions of those who love her.

This is one of the books in the Regency House Party series that I think is a clever idea since other couples have met and fallen in love at these matchmaking dinner parties. It looks like there could be quite a few stories to be told. I look forward to reading more of the Somerstone books.

Thank you to the author for giving me a copy of this book. All thoughts and comments are my own. 


An award winning author, including the Praiseworthy Award from LDSPMA for Scarlet and GOLD in Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards, Jen Geigle Johnson discovered her passion for England while kayaking on the Thames near London as a young teenager. She once greeted an ancient turtle under the water by grabbing her fin. She knows all about the sound a water-ski makes on glassy water and how to fall down steep moguls with grace. During a study break date in college, she sat on top of a jeep's roll bars up in the mountains and fell in love. Now, she loves to share bits of history that might otherwise be forgotten. Whether in Regency England, the French Revolution, or Colonial America, her romance novels are much like life is supposed to be: full of adventure. She is a member of the RWA, the SCBWI, and LDStorymakers. She is also the chair of the Lonestar.Ink writing conference.

Moondrop Miracle


An elderly Constance Shepherd has been invited to speak at a Young Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow Banquet and attends somewhat reluctantly. After all, what does she have to say to a group of aspiring young women? So begins the remarkable tale of a woman who had faith, perseverance, and a gift that helped her build a company that would bless and benefit a great number of people.

I liked the quote that Constance says, "If you want to know the secret of my success, this is it. Be whoever God made you to be. Honor Him, and the rest will fall into place. " If you are wanting to read a book that is uplifting abd encouraging, I would recommend Moondrop Miracle.

Thank you to the author for giving me a copy of this book. I was not required to write a review. All thoughts and comments are my own. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Spice King

Drawn to Washington DC for a dream of helping her family and other farmers find a heartier wheat strain, Annabelle Larkin instead finds herself taking cuttings of plants and cataloging seeds at the Smithsonian Institute. However, things are about to change as her boss issues her a challenge.  Contact Grey Delacroix, “The Spice King”, about a rare orchid specimen. The only problem, he is a surly recluse who has repeatedly denied anyone to see his rare collection. 

Through Annabelle’s persistence, she is granted the rare opportunity to view all of his rare plants and spices. Drawn by their love of botany, justice, and keeping the food supply safe for everyone, Annabelle and Ray fight to have ingredients identified on all food products. This proves to be a difficult task as Ray’s intentions are painted in a bad light. News of his brother’s political involvement and conduct are used as fodder in attempting to discredit Ray and draw attention away from the issue.

Luke, Ray’s brother, plays a role in the story by creating suspense and a wedge between Ray and Annabelle’s relationship. She, torn between patriotic duty and love, and he, family loyalty and trust. The two of them have to examine their past actions and learn to trust if they are going to have a chance at a lasting relationship.

Elizabeth Camden continues to highlight a segment of history and weave strong characters and events together to make this story come alive. I found it fascinating to learn about the Good Housekeeping magazine’s and their seal of approval's role in diet and nutrition here in America. This is the first in the Hope and Glory series and I look forward to reading A Gilded Lady, which I am sure will be another amazing book. 

About the Author: 

Elizabeth Camden is best known for her historical novels set in gilded age America featuring clever heroines and richly layered storylines. Before she was a writer, she was an academic librarian at some of the largest and smallest libraries in America, but her favorite is the continually growing library in her own home. Her novels have won the RITA and Christy Award, and she lives in Florida with her husband who graciously tolerates her intimidating stockpile of books.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

When I Lost Me


Catherine O'Hall's struggle to have a child nearly cost her everything she held dear. This story addressed the hard issues of infertility and disappointment in a loving manner.  

Catherine grew through her loss by having support from her cousin Becs, who was also dealing with loss. Becs helps Claire to have a better understanding of not losing sight of what is really important in life.  A quote that I found insightful was, "Just because we trust Him, doesn't mean we won't walk through the valley of the shadow of death, or climb mountains." 

 I found it incredible that Claire Lagerwall could write such a great story in such a short time, from writing to publishing in six short months. 

Thank you to the author for giving me a copy of this book. All thoughts and comments are my own. 

Watch Your Back

  About the Book Book:  Watch Your Back (Crossroads Suspense Book Three. It can be read as a standalone). Author:  Kristen Hogrefe Parnell G...