Monday, July 31, 2023

The Laws of Attraction

About the Book

Book: The Laws of Attraction

Author: Mary Connealy

Genre: Historical Romance

Release Date: June 20, 2023

Can they risk giving in to the attraction between them while their lives are on the line?

If widowed seamstress Nell Armstrong has to make one more pair of boring chaps for the cowboys in her tiny Wyoming town, she might just quit the business altogether! So meeting Brand Nolte, a widower struggling to raise three girls on his own, seems like her dream come true. Brand has no idea how to dress the girls properly, and Nell finally has a chance to create beautiful outfits while also teaching the girls to sew.

But Nell is much more than a seamstress, and the investigative skills and knowledge she picked up alongside her late lawman husband soon become critical when a wounded stagecoach-robbery survivor is brought to town. As danger closes in from all sides, Nell and Brand must discover who has a target trained on them before it’s too late.

Click here to get your copy!

 My Review: 

Nell Armstrong is a frustrated seamstress who really just wants to make women’s clothing, but finds it almost impossible living in a western town whose population is nearly all men! When a young lady and her sisters come into her life, she couldn’t be happier because now she has someone to clothe. Nell is one resourceful woman. She takes what opportunities she has and gives it her very best. On any given day should could be a seamstress, a nurse, a teacher, an investigator, a newlywed, an instant mother, and even a judge! Her resiliency and adaptability make her the perfect frontier woman.

The dangerous Dead Eye Gang continue to rob, terrorize, and kill those living in the Pine Valley area. The confrontation between Nell and her new family was very exciting. It leaves you wondering if the gang is vanquished or will others replace members of the group.

I highly recommend reading this western romance of Nell and Brand. Brand, and now Nell’s daughters, are delightful. I hope we will see more of them in future stories. This is a continuation of the first book in the series, so reading the first book would give you the background to this story and a richer reading experience.

I received this book through the publisher as well as NetGalley and Celebrate Lit. A positive review was not expected. All opinions are my own.

About the Author

Mary Connealy ( writes “romantic comedies with cowboys” and is celebrated for her fun, zany, action-packed style. She has sold more than 1.5 million books. She is the author of the popular series Brothers in Arms, Brides of Hope Mountain, High Sierra Sweethearts, The Kincaid Brides, Trouble in Texas, Lassoed in Texas, Sophie’s Daughters, and many other books. Mary lives on a ranch in eastern Nebraska with her very own romantic cowboy hero.


More from Mary

The Laws of Attraction, the idea of it, was what kicked off the whole Wyoming Sunrise series.

A woman justice of the peace.

Wyoming, oddly enough, was the first state in the union to give women the right to vote. And it wasn’t just voting, it was suffrage. That meant so much more than just voting. There were property rights involved, the right to serve on juries, and the right to run for office or be appointed to political offices.

Wyoming was the first state to have a woman justice of the peace. I read about Esther Hobart Morris and thought, hey, my heroine could be the second justice of the peace.

My heroine is a seamstress. Of the three heroines in the Wyoming Sunrise series, Nell, the heroine of book #2, is the one who is not in a traditionally masculine role. In book #1 Mariah is a blacksmith. In book #3 Becky is a lady rancher.

Nell just wants to sew pretty dresses and make beautiful bonnets. She likes to tat her own lace. She likes flowery fabric and lots of ruffles.

And then she moved to Wyoming. Nine thousand total residence and five men for every one woman. And the few women who are there all sew their own dresses.

To add to that, Nell, a widow, didn’t have a happy first marriage. She has no interest in marrying again. Staying single in a state like Wyoming isn’t easy, but she’s managed it. Her first husband was a lawman, and when a band of stagecoach robbers are plaguing the area, Nell finds she’s got skills to investigate these crimes that far exceed the local sheriff.

The sheriff is impressed, and when the town’s justice of the peace resigns, the sheriff appoints Nell.

I just had so much fun with this book. Nell is frustrated because she isn’t getting to make dresses. She does discover a talent for working with leather and making chaps. She hates it, but the orders just keep pouring in and she’s making a tidy living. Not having a lot of fun but definitely prospering.

And then a local homesteader with three half-grown daughters, all of whom desperately need a new dress, runs across Nell, and she wheels and deals him into letting her make them in exchange for his daughters working for her, making chaps.

Nell’s talent for investigating crimes soon puts her in danger. And Brandon Nolte, her best customer, finds himself, Nell, and his girls all surrounded by danger.

The Laws of Attraction—fun, fast-paced, and love is the most fundamental law of all.

Blog Stops

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 29

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 29

Texas Book-aholic, July 30

For Him and My Family, July 30

Connie’s History Classroom, July 31

Book Looks by Lisa, July 31

lakesidelivingsite, August 1

Lighthouse Academy Blog, August 1 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 2

Mary Hake, August 2

Betti Mace, August 3

Cover Lover Book Review, August 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 4

The Book Nook, August 4

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, August 5

She Lives To Read, August 6

Labor Not in Vain, August 6

Daysong Reflections, August 7

Holly’s Book Corner, August 7

Splashes of Joy, August 8

JESUS in the EVERYDAY, August 8

Tell Tale Book Reviews, August 9

Pause for Tales, August 10

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, August 10

Jeanette’s Thoughts, August 11

Wishful Endings, August 11


To celebrate her tour, Mary is giving away a $15 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Cherishing the Cowgirl

 About the Book: 

Charity Courtney is at her wit’s end trying to save her boardinghouse from a bank foreclosure. Short of money but not short of marriage proposals, she dreads putting aside her fairy tale dreams of love and having to settle for a marriage of convenience. But with the need to provide for her two younger sisters, she doesn’t have any other options.

While visiting Fairplay, wealthy railroad magnet Hudson Vanderwater hears of Charity’s plight. Although he comes across as cold and calloused, he is drawn to helping women in need because of a tragedy that destroyed his sister. He concocts a plan that will save Charity—he’ll employ her and rent her boardinghouse for the month and in doing so alleviate her debt.

With a grumpy and demanding new boarder who is now her boss, Charity determines to hold the handsome Hudson at arm’s length. But she’s the sunshine for his stormy soul, and he can’t resist being drawn to her. As danger closes in and threatens to destroy Charity, he’ll stop at nothing to save her.

  • Grumpy-sunshine
  • Cranky billionaire
  • Crusty boss
  • Rags-to-riches
  • Fairytale
  • Class differences

My Review: 

The way that Charity and Hudson meet involves a mad moose mama and an exciting rescue. It’s a totally original and fun way of introducing them to each other that had me smiling and thinking I was glad that wasn’t me in need of help. I love the opposites attract trope since it works so well in this story. Hudson is wealthy, and Charity is about to lose her ranch due to foreclosure. He has an assistant to help with his business and social commitments, she is responsible for the ranch and her sisters. He is used to rubbing shoulder with the elite, she is used to ranch life and delivering baby goats.

I liked seeing how they are both extremely determined to have things they want. When Hudson finds out that Charity is in need of money for her ranch he knows there is no way possible she would accept money from him to pay off the loan. Finding a creative solution without hurting Charity’s pride and independence really makes the story one you will want to read.

With great characters, a mystery to solve, and lots of romance, you’ll find the time has flown by and you’ll be left wishing you had the next book to read right away. While it is the second book, it can be read as a standalone.

I received a complimentary copy of the book. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.

Monday, July 24, 2023

A Summer at Thousand Island House


About the Book

Book: A Summer at Thousand Island House

Author: Susan G. Mathis

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: July 25, 2023

She came to work with the children, not fall in love.

Part-nanny, part entertainer, Addison Bell has always had an enduring love for children. So what better way to use her creative energy than to spend the summer nannying at the renowned Thousand Island House on Staple’s Island? As Addi thrives in her work, she attracts the attention of the recreation pavilion’s manager, Liam Donovan, as well as the handsome Navy Officer Lt. Worthington, a lighthouse inspector, hotel patron, and single father of mischievous little Jimmy.

But when Jimmy goes missing, Addi finds both her job and her reputation in danger. How can she calm the churning waters of Liam, Lt. Worthington, and the President, clear her name, and avoid becoming the scorn of the Thousand Islands community?


Click here to get your copy!

 My Review: 

Incorporating facts about the Thousand Islands area of New York with the story of school mistress Addi Bell  and Liam Donovan, the entertainment manager of the resort, created an interesting story. I liked that Addi was a school teacher, loved the children, and made their learning fun. I could picture the children and Addi going on nature hikes to find items to put into the terrarium they kept all summer. I also liked that she shared her faith and showed the children how to be kind to one another through her actions and lessons.

Addi and Liam truly had a summer romance and I was surprised at how quickly their relationship concluded. I would like to have seen more of their courtship and time spent together. Liam was a sweet man, looking out for Addi when she was at the resort.

This is book four in the Romance In The Gilded Age series. Each one tells about a different resort and has different characters, so it can be read as a standalone. 

I received a complimentary copy of the book through Celebrate Lit. A positive review was not required. 

About the Author

Susan G Mathis is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Susan has been published more than twenty-five times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books. She has eleven in her fiction line including, The Fabric of Hope, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, Devyn’s Dilemma, Peyton’s Promise, Sara’s Surprise, Reagan’s Reward, Colleen’s Confession, Rachel’s Reunion, Mary’s Moment and A Summer at Thousand Island HouseHer book awards include three Illumination Book Awards, four American Fiction Awards, two Indie Excellence Book Awards, and four Literary Titan Book Awards. Reagan’s Reward is a Selah Awards finalist. Susan is also a published author of two premarital books, two children’s picture books, stories in a dozen compilations, and hundreds of published articles. Susan makes her home in Colorado Springs and enjoys traveling around the world but returns each summer to enjoy the Thousand Islands. Visit for more.


More from Susan


I’ve been writing about the Gilded Age for several years now. A Summer at Thousand Island House is my eleventh published story, and I had so much fun creating it. The American Gilded Age was a time of rapid technical advances, industrialization, and thousands of new inventions from about 1870-1910. Mark Twain coined the term in his 1873 novel The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today that satirized the era of social problems that were masked by a layer of thin, gold gilding.

 It’s a fascinating time in history, especially in the Thousand Islands. I grew up just twenty minutes from the Thousand Islands in upstate New York. Actually, half of the 1,864 islands are in NY and the other half in Ontario, Canada. All of my books are set during the Thousand Islands Gilded Age, when the wealthy came and scooped up the islands and built lavish summer homes, mansions, and castles.

 It was an era of economic growth and wages were higher than Europe, so massive immigration drew about twenty million to the U.S. shores. Unfortunately, it was also a time of unequal distribution of wealth where the rich got richer and the poor working class suffered.

Many young women worked as servants until they married, and that’s what my stories are about—those nameless, faithful women who cooked and cleaned and served tables for the rich and famous. These “downstairs” women had fascinating stories to tell, and I plan to tell many of them.

 All my novels are based on a specific place in the Thousand Islands and are the true stories of the owners of that island. So, my plot is generally true. There really was an entertainment pavilion on Staple’s Island where the patrons of Thousand Island House enjoyed all kinds of amenities, including a daycare. And US Presidents, including President Grant and President Chester Arthur (whom you meet), vacationed at Thousand Island House.

Then I overlay the storyline of the fictional servants to create the story. This makes my stories a bit more challenging, but I love a good challenge. Addison Bell cares for children. Liam Donovan manages the pavilion and Navy Officer Lt. Worthington, a lighthouse inspector and single father, comes and goes.

 And all of my Thousand Islands’ stories have hope as the central theme. Hope for a better future. Hope for love. Hope for healing. A Summer at Thousand Island House also focuses on healing broken hearts and embracing God’s redemption.

 Mathis’s attention to detail and rich history is classic Mathis, and no one does it better.—Margaret Brownley, N.Y. Times bestselling author

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, July 18

Alena Mentink, July 18

Karen Baney Reviews, July 19

Books You Can Feel Good About, July 19

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, July 20

She Lives To Read, July 20

Texas Book-aholic, July 21

Locks, Hooks and Books, July 22

Connie’s History Classroom, July 23

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, July 23

Book Looks by Lisa, July 24

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, July 25

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, July 26 (Author Interview)

Back Porch Reads, July 26

The Book Club Network, July 27

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, July 28

Holly’s Book Corner, July 28

Cover Lover Book Review, July 29

Blossoms and Blessings, July 30

Blogging With Carol, July 31

Pause for Tales, July 31

For Him and My Family, August 1


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Friday, July 21, 2023



Countdown (Extreme Measures Book #4) by [Lynette Eason]

About the Book: 

A stalker who wants to finish what he started. A US Marshal who's vowed to protect his charge. And one woman who is determined to put the past in the past.

Flight paramedic Raina Price has been running so long it's hard to stop. To escape a dangerous stalker, she changed her name and disappeared, building a new life with the help of a friend from her time in juvie. It feels good to put her energies into saving people's lives, but because her stalker was never found, she's never stopped looking over her shoulder. And one can only run so far before the past finally catches up.

US Marshal Vincent Corelli's job is to hunt down fugitives and protect those who are assigned to him. When Raina is almost killed right in front of him, he vows to protect her at all costs--whether it's his job or not. Together they work to solve the mystery of Raina's past. But someone is out to make sure Raina doesn't live long enough to do it.

My Review: 

Raina Price has had to keep things in the past in order to protect herself and those she loves from a dangerous and vindictive killer. With plot twists and red herrings throughout the story, I was reading pages just as fast as I could.

I loved the friends that Raina has; the support that Vince gives her; the unknown stalker; and how the characters’ faith was woven throughout the story. While this is the last book in the series, it can be read by itself. If you enjoy authors like Elizabeth Goddard or Colleen Coble, you will like this book.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher through the Launch Team Geek. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The Art of Love and Lies


About the Book: 

Manchester, England, 1857

Rosanna Hawkins is one of Manchester’s finest artists, even though no one knows her name. She reproduces “parlor versions” of classic masterpieces with near-perfect precision, which her employer then sells to the emerging upper-middle class families.

When the largest art exhibition ever to be held in England opens in Manchester, Rosanna is excited to visit. She meets the handsome Inspector Martin Harrison, who is head of security, and is immediately intrigued by his charm, confidence, and portrait-worthy good looks. The two spend many a flirtatious afternoon exploring the exhibition hall, discussing art, and sharing their secret hopes. Rosanna dreams of painting something original and meaningful, and Martin hopes to one day shed the shadow of his father’s notorious past.

But when they discover the theft of some of the paintings—and all the evidence points to Rosanna—she must convince Inspector Harrison she is innocent and proposes a plan to capture the real art thief.

It is a daring race to catch the criminal before he disappears with the most priceless piece in the collection—Michaelangelo’s The Manchester Madonna. If Rosanna and Inspector Harrison fail, not only will the painting be lost forever but so will their chance to paint their own happily ever after.

My Review: 

Rosanna Hawkins has an exceptional gift of painting that her work looks identical to that of the original. She receives commissions for her work that gives her the independence she wants, and she feels her artwork will bring pleasure to those patrons who would like them for their home collections. When Rosanna discovers that her artwork is ultimately serving a very different purpose, she turns to her new boyfriend and security officer of the museum, Martin Harrison, for help.

The train scenes and chasing after Rosanna’s former business associate, Anton Greystone, made for exciting reading. The way they thwarted him was clever and my favorite part of the story. I also thought the title was perfect for the story.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. A positive review was not required.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Committing to the Cowgirl

About the Book: 

After years away, Astrid Nilsson has returned home to Colorado, hoping to become Fairplay’s second doctor . . . and to find healing for her reoccurring consumption. Spirited and independent, Astrid doesn’t want her illness to be a burden to those she loves, so she has resisted getting serious about any man.

As the current doctor of Fairplay, Logan Steele is seeking to hire a male physician to take over his clinic after he goes back East. When Astrid, his childhood sweetheart, insists that she’s the one for the job, he offers her a bargain she can’t refuse: pretend to court him to appease his mother and he’ll give her the doctor position on a trial basis.

Astrid accepts the arrangement even though she’s reluctant to be in a sham relationship with a man who’d once broken her heart. She tries to keep herself from falling for Logan again but soon finds herself getting much more than she bargained for. With the clock ticking for both of them, can they commit to real love before it’s too late?

  • Pretend courtship
  • Fake engagement
  • Childhood sweethearts
  • Meddling mother
  • Co-workers in proximity
  • Bargain benefits both

My Review:

Astrid Nilsson has the kind of grit and determination it takes to be a female doctor in the Colorado west in the 1870’s. Going against all odds and following her dream to be a doctor made her a strong and resilient lady that you just have to cheer her on to see her fulfill her dreams. I loved how she jumped in and helped those who were in need, regardless of what others thought. 

Logan Steele was just the man that Astrid needed to partner with her, not only with the medical practice, but also in life. One of the things I liked best about him was that he had an open mind and willingness to give Astrid a chance. I loved the humorous and awkward situation that Logan found himself in when he couldn’t say no to his scheming, matchmaking mother. 

This is the first book in the Colorado Girls series, and I am looking forward to reading more. Readers who enjoy Western romances will want to read this.

I received a complimentary copy of the book. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.  

Monday, July 10, 2023

A Gilded Age Getaway

About the Book:

Can one magical night of glamour in the past save their future?

When Fiona Robinson imagined her life with Tyler, she dreamed of a grand adventure. Together. But after a decade of marriage, suburban seclusion, and stress from his job, she’s let the strain of being a stay-at-home mom of two toddlers squeeze all the fun out of their relationship.

With pressure mounting at work and his homelife growing stale, Tyler’s fighting to recapture the joy in his marriage. But he can’t seem to do anything right, his job’s drained his energy, and his wife no longer resembles the fun-loving girl he married.

Then Fiona’s mother presents them with an anniversary weekend getaway at a seaside B&B, and they hope it can rekindle their romance. But they never could have imagined their room would transport them to the Gilded Age in New York! Now, can one night at the famed Vanderbilt ball reignite their spark, or will they be stuck in a future neither of them expected?

My Review: 

“When had her life become so stale?” Fiona Robinson had wondered. Hold on, Fiona, things are about to change! After being married for several years the pizazz has worn off and Fiona feels frazzled from taking care of little ones and overlooked by her workaholic husband. When she and Tyler have the opportunity for a short getaway, she snatches it and off they go to a unique inn where things are not what they seem. When Fiona and Tyler have a once in a lifetime experience of adventure they must depend upon God and each other to help them out of a very difficult circumstance. They have no idea if they will be able to return to their own time or to their children. I admit that I was a bit nervous about how it was all going to work out. I love that at first Fiona and Tyler were embarrassed by the their ballroom costumes, but they soon realize it doesn’t matter and they are there to enjoy what New York has to offer. Tyler’s pirate outfit was especially fun and I can see why people were curious. Wouldn’t you be too if you saw him walking down the street dressed that way? Readers of all ages will be glad they joined Fiona and Tyler in New York. This standalone book in the Back Inn Time series was a lot of fun. I highly recommend this book and the other four. I have thoroughly enjoyed each story with interesting plots, a bit of humor, romance, and well researched historical facts that make them come alive. I received a complimentary copy of this book. A positive review was not required. All opinions are my own.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

An Unwitting Alliance


About the Book:

Cassandra Vail has but one objective at the Kellens’ ball: she must secure a proposal from her eminently suitable suitor. Instead, she finds her best-laid plans thwarted by another man―the handsome and thoroughly vexing Mr. Harwood. Thanks to his meddling, Cassandra is faced with an unthinkable consequence: her parents take matters into their own hands and betroth her to a complete stranger.

Tom Harwood meant only to deter a debutante from pursuing his friend. He wasn’t supposed to be entranced by her. He certainly wasn’t supposed to flirt with her. And he especially wasn’t supposed to engage the wrong woman entirely. To make matters worse, he’s offended Cassandra and before he has the opportunity to make amends, he finds himself the latest unwitting victim of the meddlesome Matchmaking Mamas. His parents have signed a contract for his hand in marriage, and it seems his mysterious betrothed is as opposed to the union as he is.

When the reluctant couple finally meets, they are shocked to realize they are not strangers after all. Can one miserable beginning be overcome, or has their future ended before it even begins?

My Review: 

Those matchmaking mamas are at it again!  This time Tom Harwood is who they decide needs a wife. When he and Cassandra are forced into an engagement, things really get crazy since neither of them want to be married, and certainly not when it is forced upon them. At first, sparks fly because they are unhappy with their situation, but later sparks of another type fly between Cassie and Tom. :) 

Things I loved: 

The extremely awkward first meeting

Humor throughout the story

The words of advice from the Matchmaking Mamas

The amazing and caring Rebels

Cassie’s spinster costume

Cassie’s lively family

Tom’s declaration of love 

I highly recommend reading this book if you like historical romantic comedies. While it can be read as a standalone, you’ll want to read the first book to fully appreciate what Tom and the rest of the Rebels are facing with their mamas. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book, but a positive review was not required.

Cold Vengeance

  Welcome to the Takeover + Review Blitz for Cold Vengeance by Nancy Mehl hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours ! About the Book Title:...